
CSEA Guidelines

How does this really work?

The Ohio Revised Code provides the legislative framework for individuals when calculating child support. States are required to have a framework that provides for the consistent calculation and must be based on a specific method and numerical criteria. Ohio’s Child Support guidelines take into consideration the income of both parents and how they will provide for care, insurance, and medical support of the child(ren) on the specific case.

Ohio uses a gross income model and considers all sources of income (salary, wages, commission, royalties, tips, rental income, dividends, unemployment compensation, military pay, self-employment, etc) to determine the amount.

Shared Parenting

Shared parenting provides the basis for deviating (not following the Child Support Guidelines Model).

Split Parenting

Split parenting is the situation whereby the child support amount is offset and the court generally orders the parent with the larger child support amount to pay the amount to the other parent.

There is a worksheet for each type of parenting: shared & split. Shared may provide for a deviation from the guideline amount. Split parenting recognizes the split parenting order with the larger support obligation to pay the net amount to the other parent or when one child lives with one parent and the other child lives with the other parent.

Where do the numbers come from?

The federal government requires states to adopt a uniform set of guidelines to establish child support. They are based on a specific descriptive criteria that takes into consideration what two parties combined income would be and their related expenses to take care of the needs of the child in an intact household. Ohio’s child support guidelines take into consideration all earnings and income of both parties regarding health care and insurance needs.

Ohio’s Income Shares Model

Ohio’s model uses gross income figures from both parents in calculating support. Gross income includes salary, wages, commission, royalties, times, overtime, bonuses, rental income, dividends, interest, trust income, and income from various investments.

Ohio’s guidelines assign a numerical value to both the mother and father, identify roles and works the legislative worksheet to determine the amount of money. The CSEA must follow the guidelines. If one of the parties needs to deviate (not follow) the guidelines, this process must be done by a court of law.
