What We Do

The Licking County Area Transportation Study (LCATS) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Newark, Ohio urbanized area and conducts a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive multi-modal urban transportation planning process.

An MPO must conduct a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive (3-C) urban transportation planning process that results in plans and programs that consider all transportation modes and supports metropolitan community development and social goals. These plans and programs shall lead to the development and operation of an integrated, inter-and intra-modal transportation system that facilitates the efficient economic movement of people and goods.


The main goal of LCATS is to utilize federal transportation funds that are available to the area to produce the most efficient transportation system possible. These funds can be used for studies, projects and improvements, including federal-aid roadways, bridges, transit and enhancement projects. We ensure the transportation system in Licking County supports and encourages appropriate economic development and social activities, while maximizing the efficient use of our natural and human resources and minimizing adverse impacts upon the natural and built environments.

Policy Meeting

Our next Policy Meeting will be held on July 9, 2024 @ 9:30 AM at the Licking County Transit Building.



Relevant Documents and Links

July 9, 2024 Meeting Packet

July 9, 2024 |Virtual Zoom Meeting Link

July 9, 2024 |PROWAG Information


Office Hours | M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM