Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)
Licking County Floodplain Application
Elevation Certificates
FEMA Firmette
Flood Protection Library
Natural Hazards Planning
Reduce Flood Risk
Flood Safety Tips
Severe Weather Awareness Week 2022
2022 FEMA Preliminary FIRM Updates (Sycamore Creek)
2023 FEMA FIRM Updates (Etna South Tributary)
Preliminary FIRM Updates, City of Newark, Village of Granville, and Granville Twp. (Raccoon Creek)
Like most counties in Ohio, Licking County utilizes the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) that are produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These maps were created as a tool for communities to use when managing Special Flood Hazard Areas. These areas typically have a one percent chance of flooding in any given year or a 25% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. The FIRMs are, at best, conservative interpretations of the existing Special Flood Hazard Areas. With this in mind, the Licking County Planning Commission adapted the Flood Damage Prevention Regulations from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) minimum standards to compliment the existing Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The differences between Licking County's Flood Damage Prevention Regulations and the Standard Regulations that FEMA requires are quite significant. An example would be the requirement dealing with useable ground. In order for a new lot to be created in Licking County, there must be enough ground where natural elevation is above the Base Flood Elevation for house, well, and septic. The Licking County Health Department, County Engineers, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service support this requirement. Another difference is that the Licking County Regulations require the placement of permanent benchmarks when creating a subdivision. All residents of Licking County will benefit from this requirement, since establishing these permanent benchmarks makes determining property elevations much easier and less expensive.
Licking County is also involved with the Community Rating System Program (CRS). This program was developed through the National Flood Insurance Program to give communities the incentive to do more than just regulate building in the flood hazard area. If communities such as Licking County decide to implement CRS into their floodplain management activities, they work toward accumulating points based on more comprehensive floodplain management activities. The more points communities receive for their activities, the greater the reduction in flood insurance premiums local residents are required to pay. This program is strictly voluntary. Licking County joined the program in 1993 and based on their efforts that first year, the county residents received a five percent discount on flood insurance premiums. In 1997, Licking County was approved for an additional five percent discount, bringing the total to ten percent off the premium rate for residents requiring flood insurance. Residents who are not required to purchase flood insurance, but do so to protect their home and/or
Licking County assisted the Village of Hebron
A Stream Maintenance Brochure is available to assist
Most homeowners insurance does not cover damages that occur as a result of flooding. However, because Licking County is a member of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and the Community Rating System (CRS), and has adopted regulations that will minimize flood damage to new developments, you are eligible to purchase special flood insurance from your existing insurance agent.
If your home is in a location that is not mapped as a special flood hazard area, you are still eligible to purchase flood insurance and receive that coverage at a lower cost.
Federal disaster assistance is usually provided in the form of a loan that must be paid back with interest along with any existing mortgage.
Total flood insurance claims in the U.S. averaged more than $3.5 billion per year from 2005-14.
In the past five (5) years, all 50 states have experienced a flood.
Floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States.
Everyone is at risk - even those that do not live close to rivers and lakes. Floods happen as a result of heavy rains, snow melt, overloaded drainage systems, land-development runoff, and
Property owner's, renters, and business owners can purchase flood insurance on their building and contents if their community is among the more than 22,000 communities that participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
It typically takes 30-days after the purchase of flood insurance for a policy
As of Augusts 2016, the average premium in Ohio is about $941 a year; the average claim in the past 5 years was nearly $42,000.
Nearly 25% of all flood claims are for properties mapped outside of high-risk flood areas.
Qualifying properties in moderate- to low-risk areas are eligible for the low-cost Preferred Risk Policy.
For flood insurance and flood risk information, visit FloodSmart.gov. To learn more about obtaining a flood insurance policy, call your insurance agent or 1-800-427-2419 to find an agent near you.
As of March 16, 2015, Licking County has new effective Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), These new maps impact certain Flood Hazard "A-Zones", and are identified with a letter ( J ) at the end of the FIRM Panel Number.
For additional information please visit the following webpage.
Residents of High-Risk Areas (Zones A, AE, AE Floodway): Homes and buildings in high-risk flood areas with mortgages from federally regulated or insured lenders are required to have flood insurance. In high-risk areas, there is at least a 1 in 4 chances of flooding during a 30-year mortgage.
Residents of Moderate to Low-Risk Areas (Zones X): Homes and businesses located in moderate - to low-risk areas that have mortgages from federally regulated or insured lenders are typically not required to have flood insurance. Even though flood insurance isn't federally required, anyone can be financially vulnerable to floods. In fact, people outside of mapped high-risk flood areas file over 20-percent of all National Flood Insurance Program flood insurance claims and receive one-third of Federal Disaster Assistance for flooding. When it's available, disaster assistance is typically a loan you must repay with interest. A lender can require flood insurance, even if it is not federally required.
As of March 16,
The Board of County Commissioners adopted amendments to the Flood Damage Prevention Regulations for Licking County Ohio on June 13, 2024. These regulations are effective on July 14, 2024. Click this link to view the effective regulations.
-Typical Floodplain Profile
-Compensatory Storage Diagram
-Licking County Property Owner's Guide to Stream Maintenance
-Licking County's MS4 Program
-Licking County Flood Protection, Insurance, and Floodplain Management Information
-Licking County Floodplain WebApp
-Licking County Engineer's Tax Parcel Viewer (Floodplain toggle in layers)
-Licking County Auditor's ONTrac Property Search (Floodplain toggle in layers)
-USGS Current Water Data for Ohio
-NOAA National Weather Service Stream Gauges Mapper
-USGS Topo Map (perennial and intermittent stream)
-USFWS Wetlands Mapper
-U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flowage Easement Viewer
2022 FEMA Preliminary FIRM Updates (Sycamore Creek)
2023 FEMA FIRM Updates (Etna South Tributary)
Preliminary FIRM Updates, City of Newark, Village of Granville, and Granville Twp. (Raccoon Creek)
-Countywide All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan, 2021 adoption.
-Countywide All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan, February 27, 2014 adoption.
-Ohio Floodplain Management Association (OFMA)
-Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM)
-National Weather Service
-Federal Emergency Management Agency
-Department of Homeland Security
For Unincorporated Licking County Floodplain Inquiries, please contact:
, Floodplain Administrator
Brad Mercer, Planning Manager
Jay Fisher, CFM, Assistant Planning Manager / Special Projects Planner
-Flood Damage Prevention Regulations
-Permit Application
-Licking County No-Rise Certification
-FEMA No-Rise Certificate Within the Floodway
-FEMA Elevation Certificate - link
-County - Professional Certification form Ensuring Structures Built on Fill in or Near SFHAs are Reasonably Safe from Flooding
City and Village floodplain management information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. The information presented on this website is provided by each individual city or village. The regulations and permit documents are prepared, implemented, and enforced by the city or village. Every effort is made to keep the information posted as up-to-date as possible however, it is not guaranteed. Please verify all information with the respective city or village. For more information please contact the city or village floodplain administrator.
For communities that have Licking County Planning Commission listed as a contact, the Licking County Planning Commission has entered into an agreement with that community to administer their floodplain management program. The LCPC staff acts as the staff for the community and answers floodplain inquiry questions, reviews permits, issues permits, and investigates violations on behalf of the Village. The Village is responsible for the review, maintenance
Phone - (740) 924-2539
Debi Walker, Acting Village Planner
Phone - (740) 587-0707
Jared Lane, Director of Building and Zoning
Phone - (740) 522-1420 x210
Phone - (740) 967-3177, ext. 2
Licking County Planning Commission - (General Inquires, Flood Zone Determination, and Permitting)
Dennis Ankrum, Zoning Inspector- (Enforcement, Appeals/Variances, Regulations, Map Maintenance)
Phone - (740) 745-5694