Records & Archives

Newark & Granville Electric Railway Company Bond
Dated April 7th, 1892 - Case Number 9848
Salvaged from the Licking County Courthouse Attic

"It is not deeds or acts that last:
it is the written record of those deeds and acts"

- Elbert Hubbard, 1856-1915 -



Welcome to the Licking County Records & Archives Webpage!

Home to Your Historical County Government Records!

Please feel free to stop by and explore Licking County's historical public government records.

Contact Us

Mailing Address: Physical Address: 20 South 2nd St. 61 East Main Street Newark, OH 43055 Newark, OH 43055

Phone: (740)-670-5121


Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday


Licking County Records & Archives is now on Ohio Memory! Visit our Digital Collections page here and browse our holdings of historical images. We are in the process of adding more to our collection and will be contributing additional photographs, oral histories, artwork, and more! Check back soon for future updates.

Planning a visit? Check out the Planning Your Visit page for information about our Reference Room Policies. To schedule a research appointment or to make a public records request, please contact us by phone at (740)-670-5121 or by email at

The Licking County Records & Archives Center collections include historical materials for the various county departments and courts. Though the majority of the records we hold date between the late 1800s and the mid/late 1900s, each department and court has a different time span and level of impact from the 1875 Courthouse fire. For Clerk of Courts we hold case files prior to 1992. For more recent records and/or certified records please contact the originating department or court directly by phone. Additionally, to check the status of a current court case, please contact the courts. Department contact information can be found under the Agencies/Departments tab above.

In lieu of visiting in person, members of the public interested in records held at the Licking County Records and Archives Center can submit requests via email to, or by phone at 740-670-5121. Please check the department’s Facebook page and for future updates.

