Retention Schedules

Retention Schedules:

Retention Schedules (RC-2s) mandate how long a records series is required to be retained, detail what format a record series is created in, and indicate what disposal forms are required to be completed when non-permanent records have met their retention period. The Licking County Records Commission is statutorily charged (Ohio Revised Code 149.38) with approving RC-2s as submitted by the County Records and Archives Manager. Once approved in an open meeting, as required by ORC 121.22, RC-2s are sent to the Ohio History Connection and the State Auditor’s office for official approval. Below are the most recent retention schedules for each department* as approved by the Licking County Records Commission. If you have any questions, please contact Records and Archives Manager Corinne Johnson by phone (740)-670-5122, or email [email protected] (ATTN Corinne Johnson).

*Please note that Court Records are governed by the Rules of Superintendence. A court may establish retention schedules for any records not listed in Sup. R. 26.01 to 26.05 and may extend, but not limit, the retention period for any record listed in Sup. R. 26.01 to 26.05.

General Schedule

IT Services

Prosecutor: General Schedule

Animal Control

Job and Family Services                 Job and Family Services Addendum

Prosecutor: Civil Division

Civil Amendment 2021

Auditor’s Office

Auditor's Office RC-2 Amendment

 Auditor's Office RC-2 Addendum

Land Reutilization Corporation

Prosecutor: Delinquent Tax Division

Board of County Commissioners


Prosecutor: Felony Division

Board of Developmental Disability

Park District

Prosecutor: Fire Investigation

Board of Elections

Planning and Development

Prosecutor: Juvenile Division

Building Code

Recorder’s Office

Sheriff: Accreditation

Clerk of Courts                              Clerk of Courts Amendment 2022

Records & Archives

Sheriff: Civil

Community Improvement Corporation


Sheriff: Classification

Coroner’s Office

LC Regional Airport Authority

Sheriff: CODE Task Force

Child Support Enforcement Agency


Soil and Water Conservation District

Sheriff: Commissary

Domestic Relations Court

LC Transit                             

Sheriff: Food Service

Emergency Management Agency

Treasurer’s Office

Sheriff: Human Resources

Engineer’s Office

Engineer Highway Garage

Veterans’ Services

Sheriff: Inmate Jail

Health Department

Health Department RC-2 Addendum

Water and Wastewater

Sheriff: Medical

Human Resources

911 Call Center

Sheriff: Patrol & Communications

  Probate and Juvenile Court