Payment History

One of the most important pieces of information you can have and understand is a payment history. The payment history is going to tell you all the important financial information regarding your child support case, when it was received by the Agency, when it was released, and how the funds were distributed. The obligor or payor and the obligee or payee on the child support case would be entitled to receive a payment history. You should be able to understand how it works and make sure it is accurate regarding payments,.

The following is information that explains how to read a payment history. Your specific payment history may not look like this one as this is used to demonstrate and explain the information. This information will help you understand payment history basics and how the distribution of child support works.

What You Need to Know ...

Sample payment history report (requiresAdobe Readerto view).

Your Guide to the Payment History Report

County Header:
Address and Phone Numbers from the County providing the information

Case Number:
Number given to your child support case in the Support Enforcement Tracking System (SETS)

Order Number:
Number given to your case by the Courts

Statement Date:
Date the payment report was printed

Obligor Name:
Person who pays support

Obligee Name:
Person who receives support

Payment History Period:
Time period requested or run date

Current Total Monthly Obligation as of:
What shows due on the case which may include child support, spousal support, medical, administrative fees, and any payment(s) that have been ordered on arrears.

Total Arrearage Due as of:
The total amount of past due support as of the last day of the previous month

Total Unallocated on Hold as of:
Money that has been paid to the case but has not been released or distributed to the obligee and have not lowered the monthly obligation

Total Allocated on Hold as of:
Money has been paid to the case, released to the obligee and lowered the balance(s) due on the case

Total Credit Balances as of:
The amount of support that has been overpaid as of the night before the history was printed. You might also hear this referred to as a “futures” payment.
