
Program Links

Fair Housing Information and Resources

Landlord and Tenant Rights and Responsibilities

Ohio Civil Rights Commission Fact Sheet

Development Programs

The Licking County Development staff, on behalf of the Licking County Commissioners, is responsible for the administration of the various grant programs listed below:

Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

Licking County receives the CDBG federal funds that may be used for a variety of housing, economic development and infrastructure improvements, which must benefit low-to-moderate income citizens or prevent or eliminate slum and blight. Licking County has also received CDBG funds for special economic development and water and sewer projects.

Citizen Participation Plan

 Fair Housing Complaint Procedure

Flex Grant Public Hearing #1

PY25 CDBG Allocation CHIP Public Meeting #1

Flex Grant Public Meeting #2

Housing Rehabilitation

Licking County Development staff administers a county-wide housing rehabilitation program utilizing State of Ohio Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) and other funds. These funds are available to low-and moderate-income homeowners to assist them with making needed repairs to their homes. This program helps to preserve existing housing stock that is considered to be affordable to low-and moderate-income persons. 

Seeking Contractors

CDAC Public Meeting

Fair Housing

The Ohio Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination - in regard to housing - on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, religion, disability, familial status or military status. Licking County provides information and referral services in regards to landlord-tenant disputes, housing discrimination and predatory lending.

Licking County Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing - SURVEY (Click Here)

State Capital Improvements Program (SCIP)
Local Transportation Improvement Program (LTIP)

Licking County is a member of the District 17 Integrating Committee of the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC), along with Delaware, Fairfield, Knox, Morrow, and Pickaway Counties. District 17 receives approximately $10 million annually for new construction or the repair and replacement of aging and inadequate infrastructure in townships, villages, cities, and counties. Licking County staff serve as the liaison to OPWC, under a contractual agreement, to manage the day-to-day operations of the District. District 17 also reviews funding applications for the Job Ready Sites (JRS) Program and the Clean Ohio Brownfields Programs administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency.


Main line: (740) 670-5200
Fax: (740) 670-5197

Hours: M-F | 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Adrienne Eskins, Community Development Specialist and Fair Housing Coordinator

Support Staff

Jen Burnett, Fiscal Officer

Kim Landis, Administrative Assistant / Bookkeeper

Natural Resources Assistance Council (NRAC)

Licking County is also a member of District 17’s Natural Resources Assistance Council along with Delaware, Fairfield, Knox, Morrow, and Pickaway Counties. The NRAC accepts and reviews applications from townships, villages, cities, counties, and eligible non-profits and makes funding recommendation to OPWC in regard to projects that preserve open space, sensitive ecological areas and/or stream corridors. 
